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Category: Health & Fitness

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Baked salmon garnished with asparagus and tomatoes with herbs

Why Nutrition Is Different and Important for Seniors

Wholesome nutrition for older adults is not only important, it’s a necessity for overall health, vitality and quality of life. Unfortunately, as we age nutrition doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. Healthy eating is key for physical health and also has a huge bearing on memory and mental function. Studies show that many seniors…
Don't worry mom, you can always count on me

Self-Care Tips for Caregivers and Seniors

The saying “If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t to take care of others” rings so true when it comes to caring for a parent, spouse, sibling or even friends. Yes, you can ignore your own health and needs for a while, but it isn’t healthy or sustainable. Working with seniors for more…
living life in motion at teresa's house assisted living home mckinney texas

The Importance of Exercise for Seniors

It’s an unfortunate fact that many seniors today lack adequate regular physical activity. Exercise is beneficial for people at any age, and it can be a true gamechanger for seniors. A healthier heart, stronger bones and improved flexibility are just a few of the ways it can help. Additional benefits that seniors have experienced include…

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